Brand Values Are the Way of the Future
Common values go a long way in driving shopper loyalty.
Common values go a long way in driving shopper loyalty.
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Emotional connections and shared values, especially regarding shoppers’ brand loyalty, go hand in hand. As consumers face growing concern around climate change, social justice issues, and more, they realize their dollars count.
Over 84% of global respondents said they are more inclined to buy from a brand whose values align with their own. The world is prioritizing brand values, even more so among future consumers. Over 90% of global Gen Z respondents based their brand loyalty on shared values.
Here’s the breakdown of Gen Z answers by country:
Brands of the next decade understand Gen Z shoppers won’t concede on what matters most.
But what do these common values include? When asked what business practices or company values would discourage loyalty, the most common answers included: Supply chain partnerships with factories that mistreat employees (48% of global respondents) and an affiliation with a big polluter (22% of global respondents).
Tentree, a sustainable fashion brand, prioritizes eco-consciousness at every touchpoint. When building their loyalty program, they started with a central question: “How do we make our brand mission resonate with members while also turning them into repeat buyers?”. The brand knew shoppers would buy into a program where they could see their positive impact on the environment, so Tentree created Impact Wallet.
The engaging and interactive program allows members to track their impact on sustainability and “level up” to different Achievements. By structuring their loyalty program around social responsibility, tentree reinforces their brand mission and encourages shoppers to play an active role in combating climate change
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